Well, it seems that no part of my life is safe from my momnesia. During my Extreme Makeover: Blog Edition, I keep forgetting what all I want to accomplish, and I keep getting scatterbrained and ADD about it all. I'll start with one idea, and start researching how to do that, and end up a miles away on another idea. I also cannot commit to doing it all in one day, so I have to do a little here, and a little there. I forget about things, and come up with ideas while I am not on the computer. The best cure is a list. I see people writing their goals and lists for their homes on blogs all the time, so I thought, why not share my blog makeover list as well?
Here ya go:
Find a color scheme, and apply it.- Change name of blog (don't forget on July 15, 2013 you can find me http://thedelightfulmomnesiac.blogspot.com!)
- Add social media buttons
Use new templateMake a header(Still debating on it, but anything's better than before!)- Write an about me page
- Create a Facebook page
- Add pages
- Make an "about me" page
- Change my profile picture to an actual picture
- Clean up the side bar
Post at least once a week throughout the month of July, at least 2x a week throughout August, and 3x a week starting in September. I am hoping this schedule will help me get in the habit of posting regularly. So that being said, I'll see ya next week! With the new name!

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